- monitoring of vehicle via mobile device
- actual information about vehicle
- detail data about vehicle state
- location and route of vehicle
- refueling and fuel state overview
- log book
- communication with driver
- localization of mobile device position
List of vehicles
- list of monitored vehicles
- actual state of vehicle with its location
- fuel level state, temperature, driver
- own vehicle group
Route maps
- position of vehicle
- routes of vehicles
- location of mobile device and vehicle on a map
Log book
- daily drivers
- route of each drive
Message and phone calls
- calls to driver directly from application
- messaging to driver
- all vehicle refueling data
- fuel comparison according refueling bills and refueling data gained from fuel probe
- actual state of vehicle fuel level
Security module
- autoalarm
- remote control imobilizator
Alarms and notifications
- generated automatically
- message about transports, fuel measurement, service agenda, GPS signal
- Slovak and English language version of application
- own vehicle groups creation
List of vehicles

In case of vehicles with tachograf is possible to gain information about driver duty. Instead of driver icon is displayed drive type icon:
- driving
- rest
- error
- working
- 15 min. remaining to 16 hours of working output
- 16 hours of working output
- remaining to 9 hours of working output
- 9 hours of working output
- remaining to 4,5 hours of working output
- 4,5 hours of working output
- open door of cargo hold space
- active additional device
- drive with a trail car
Route maps

Actual location of all vehicle can be shown directly on Google map. Color of vehicle RN signs state of vehicle - driving (green), standing (blue), standing with engine idle (orange) and with no GPS signal (red). Beside information about actual location is possible to display basic information as address, driver`s name, speed...
Log book

Vehicle log book is in mobile application generated automatically as well as in system Dispecer. Daily routes logs consist of tacho state, driven kilometers, driven time and destinations. if you want to see chosen route on a map, click on route and it will display on a map.
Message and phone calls

From mobile application Mobile Dispecer you can directly call to driver. Very easily, from vehicle list you click on driver`s name and application will phone your driver. It is necessary to write driver`s name into the system.
If your driver uses mobile terminal, you can write him a message not only from system Dispecer but also from mobile application. Via this chat you can send information about transport, file or photo.

Mobile application Mobile Dispecer displays data about fuel level state and refueling. Mobile Dispecer - mobile application and web application system Dispecer are interconnected. It means, that if you add new note about refueling in mobile application, it will be displayed also in system Dispecer. Trucks, buses and machines can monitor fuel level state using fuel probes. In case of passenger cars and vans can be information about fuel level gained from vehicle control unit. Information about fuel is shown in vehicle list.
Security module
It protects location and status of vehicle in defined time period. It contacts user about vehicle movement immediately. It can be displayed in system Dispecer directly, mobile application, sent by email or SMS.
It prevents vehicle engine from running. It can be managed only via mobile application very easily.
Alarms and notifications

System Dispecer informs you about vehicle status permanently. Thanks to alarms and notifications you are notificated of various situations in system Dispecer, in mobile application, via email or SMS. These messages are generated automatically.
Service agenda
- Notification of coming service event
- Alarms of service event delay
Fuel measurement
- Alarm of suspicious fuel leakage from fuel tank
- Alarm of refueling data difference (comparing data from fuel probe and refueling station)
- Notification of open cargo hold door
- Panic alarm
- Alarm of lost GPS signal
- Alarm of drop in voltage under critical value
Transport management module
These alarms and notification are generated only if Transport management module is activated.
Situation in transport you are informed about:
- Vehicle is out of route
- Unauthorized parking
- Unauthorized stop
- Delayed arrival to destination
- Panic button alarm
- Not available data about vehicle
- Open door inside/outside the predefined zone
- Less than 200 km to destination
- Arrival to loading/unloading destination
- Departure loading/unloading destination
In settings you can choose language (slovak, english), message notification, create own vehicle group or filter vehicles on map.
If you have questions or ides how to improve Mobile Dispecer application, write us message from mobile application to our Client service. All news about functions in system Dispecer you can find in Settings - News.