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"Company Aldobec technologies, s.r.o. is very open to solutions to our demands. I believe that in the future we will keep the openness in relationship between our companies and improve the system by other our ideas." 

Ing. Josef Machala, transport director TURANCAR

Effectivity of bus transport is possible to increase by implementation of monitoring system. Monitoring (tracking) system provides real and sophisticated data not only about vehicle but also about driver. System is fully adaptable and can be set according to client`s need. Potential of one of mentioned systems has known the company Turancar.

Clients expectations on tracking systems are various - from the simplest and error-free operation, data evaluation, to economic operations and parameters. For system developer is complicated but not impossible to fulfill all client demands. Thank to long-term communication and cooperation can be all client needs satisfied.  

TURANCAR company uses system Dispečer. So we have decided to visit bus transporter from Nitra and talk with transport director of the company, Mr. Ing. Josef Machala. 

How long and how many vehicles do you monitor via system Dispečer?

We started to think about tracking system in 2008 and after thorough analysis we decided for system Dispečer. At the present time this system nonstop monitors 40 vehicles.

What was the reason you have decided for system Dispečer?

Jedným z hlavných dôvodov, ktorý ovplyvnil naše rozhodovanie bola možnosť internetovej aplikácie, t.z. pripojenie do systému z ktoréhokoľvek miesta. Nejde teda o uzavretý lokálny softvér.

What brought this system to your company?

From our point of view system provides real data in two fields. First is operational or costs field, where belong mainly fuel consumption, routing and statistics overviews. The second is service quality control field for our customers. I mention bus location, delay, bus stopping, and timetable following…

What changed in fleet management or in driver`s behavior?

First of all, this system is the source of online information about vehicle operation what saves labor of our employees with statistics and vehicle control and maintenance. System has psychological effect on drivers, because they know that their work is monitored.

Monitoring unit is hidden within the vehicle and person can’t find it easily. This fact has protected our vehicle, because when bus was in abroad, someone stole it. Thank to monitoring system, the thieves didn’t find, we have detected and saved the stolen bus.

It means, that without quickly reaction the bus would has been lost?

Yes, indeed.

At the present time, you use the second innovated version of system Dispečer. What improvement have you noticed?

I must say, that system during the years changed in many ways. It was necessary to focus on bus transport specifications, because they are totally different in comparison with truck transport.

How do you evaluate cooperation with company Aldobec technologies?

Company Aldobec technologies, s.r.o. is very open to solutions to our demands. I believe that in the future we will keep the openness in relationship between our companies and improve the system by other our ideas.

Transport a logistika  n. 1/2013, p. 43