Communication console Communicator serves to customer as a computer providing free online communicationbetween dispatcher and driver. Now customers can use new version 1.3.4, which is enriched Sygic navigation withmaps from Teleatlas or Navteq.
The navigation is connected with the monitoring system Dispečer. On the base of the parameters written below and the predefined route can system choose for avehicle optimal route and attent the driver to possible restrictions.
- hauler lenght
- semitrailer lenght
- the lenght between marginal axels
- fifthwheel kingpin to the last axel
- fifthwheel kingpin to the center of the last tandem axel
- fifthwheel kingpin to the end of the semitrailer
- weight of the tandem axel
- axel load
- total weight
- maximum speed
- possibility to draw only relevant symbols for a truck
- use truck properties