We would like to invite you to conference „SMEs and entrepreneurs: boosting business using satellite applications“. This conference will take part on the 23-th of May in Bratislava, Slovakia. The main aim of the conference is to inform SMEs from different sectors of the use of satellite services and of the economic opportunities they procure.
The conference is organized by the Minitry of Education, Science , Research and sport of the Slovak Republic and EURISY, European non-profit organization interested in activities connected with satellite technologies.
The objectives of the conference:
- Inform SMEs and entrepreneurs about how satellite applications can help their business needs
- Present concrete examples of how satellite applications have been used in different sectors
- Provide information about support and funding opportunities for user – SMEs and about dealing with obstacles associated to taking up innovative solutions
The program of the conference is really rich. You can hear and discuss with policy-makers and decision-makers from Slovakia and European Union and with entrepreneurs from domestic and foreign market. Except main program you can visit exhibition stands of organizations providing innovative satellite services. Here you can find our colleagues from Dispečer.
Participation to this event is free of charge, but registration is compulsory for attending the workshop.