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Monitoring system Dispečer provides information not only about vehicles, but also about drivers. Summary information about driver are displayed in new Driver`s card. This card is possible to open by double click on chosen row or by click on the pencil icon in Driver`s list.

New Driver`s card is supplemented by more data about driver. Hire date and date of employment termination serves for keeping evidence about driver even after employment termination.

In the Driver`s card you can find information about Driver`s card number. After filling this data and putting card to the tachograph is driver logged automatically also in the system Dispecer. This way of logging is possible to use only in case of vehicles with CAN BUS. Advantage of this logging is, that driver doesn`t need any additional device for logging like dallas key or PIN code.

If driver is participant of an accident are in the Driver`s card in Dispecer data connected with liability insurance like number of insurance, insurance company name, date of birth and telephone contact.